Recorder refreshing courses.

Did you play the recorder a long time ago?

Would you like to take up playing again? Improve your abilities and deepen your skills?

After 10 lessons you will be ready to play again.

You take care of your instument and we will take care of the music.

Recorder, very old but also very modern!

We know from paintings that recorders were played in the Middle Ages. You can see them on paintings from that time. The difference with modern recorders is that they were made out of one piece of wood.

From 1750 there was a decline in music for the recorder. The recorder went out of fashion. Big orchestras became the new thing, and because it's hard to play loud on this instrument, there was no place anymore for the good old recorder.

At the beginning of the 20th century, nobody knew anymore how to play a recorder.

Arnold Dolmetsch, a violinist and instrument maker found one in an antique store in London. He even put sticky tape on the thumb hole, having no idea what the function was!

But he kept studying and learning about the instrument and because of his persistence. the revival of Early Music began and the recorder had its renaissance.

The recorder also found its place in Avant Garde Music, because of its abillity to produce different sounds and sound effects.

The recorder is a highly versatile instument, playing solo or with other instruments.

With the recorder it is possible to play fun songs very quickly. Not just early music but also modern music, folk music, tango and pop music.


the musical game


breath, fingers

and tongue.